среда, 20 октября 2021 г.

Puzzle №055 - Sky Dancer

 My client liked this painting, created by an artist using the batik technique. He bought a copy from the author and sent it to me to create a puzzle.

Моему заказчику понравилась эта картина, созданная художником в технике батика. Он купил у автора картины копию и прислал мне для создания пазла.

Size 30*37.5cm

313 pieces

суббота, 8 мая 2021 г.

Puzzle 054 - My friend

I made this wooden jigsaw puzzle with a portrait of the customer's cat. The puzzle was made using the creative cutting style of John Stokes.
 The reverse side of birch plywood is covered with mahogany veneer, mysteriously playing with iridescent shades.

Size 15*10cm
50 pieces

Small video:

четверг, 6 мая 2021 г.

Jigsaw puzzle №047 - Yuan Mei handscroll

 For a long time I could not prepare photos of this puzzle for publication. I made this puzzle in the summer of 2019, but I'm only showing it now.

Yuan Mei (1716-1797) and his female students handscroll,
 ink and colour on silk 41 x 302.5 cm. (16 1/4 x 119 in.)
Inscription indicates that the portraits were painted by You Zhao and the rest by Wang Gong
One seal of Wang Gong
Inscribed by Yuan Mei with an identification of each figure, dated the first year of the Jiaqing era (1796) with eight seals
Thirty colophons by students of Yuan Mei with a total of fifty eight seals
Frontispiece by Wang Wenzhi (1730-1802) with two seals

The Lu Fang Ge collection of chinese paintings

Свиток Юань Мэй (1716-1797) и его учениц. Тушь и краски на шелке 41 x 302,5 см. (16 1/4 x 119 дюймов)
Надпись указывает, что портреты были написаны Ю Чжао, а остальные - Ван Гун.
Одна печать Ван Гун
Надпись Юань Мэй с идентификацией каждой фигуры, датированная первым годом эры Цзяцин (1796 г.) с восемью печатями.
Тридцать колофонов учеников Юань Мэй, всего пятьдесят восемь печатей.
Фронтиспис Ван Вэньчжи (1730-1802) с двумя печатями

Коллекция китайской живописи Лу Фанг Ге


This puzzle turned out to be the longest I've ever created. This size:
806 pieces

Yuan Mei (1716-1797) portrait

I created a whimsies with characters from traditional Chinese and Japanese painting for this puzzle.

суббота, 10 апреля 2021 г.

Puzzle №50 - Three Ladies

Wooden jigsaw puzzle №50 - An oban triptych depicting  a nocturnal scene with three bijin / Триптих - ночная сцена с тремя красавицами

Utagava Kuniyoshi 1797-1861 Утагава Кинуоши
885 pieces / деталей
85 whimsies / фигурок
Alexey Morozov wooden  jigsaw puzzle 12/2019
This puzzle is in a private collection now.

Box label / Этикетка коробки

An oban triptych depicting  a nocturnal scene with three bijin / Триптих - ночная сцена с тремя красавицами
Original high resolution image / Исходное изображение в высоком разрешении

воскресенье, 4 апреля 2021 г.

Puzzle №053-Mosque

Wooden jigsaw puzzle #53 Mosque, 2020

Alberto Pasini, 1872
61 whimsies
Here's what we can learn from the description of the painting on the website of the Metropolitan Museum:
Pasini here depicts the Yeni Valide Mosque at Eminonu, Istanbul, an Ottoman structure completed in the early eighteenth century. Four women of the Imperial Household enter the mosque by a gateway that Pasini appropriated from another, much later, monument. It was painted two decades after Pasini befriended the artist Théodore Chassériau after arriving in Paris in 1851. When Chassériau was unable to accompany a diplomatic mission to Persia in 1855, Pasini went instead; it was the first of his numerous visits to the East.

This picture made me associate with a number of heroes of old books, legends and poems of the Muslim East and its history. Among the whims of this puzzle, I have characters from Turkey, Arabia, Iran and Central Asia. 
Alexey Morozov, 2020
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